Business informatics

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A subject known as business informatics (BI) is one that brings together ideas from the fields of economics, the economics of digitization, business administration, information technology (IT), and computer science principles. In the field of business informatics, the primary focus is on the development of programming and hardware frameworks, which, when combined, eventually enable a company to run efficiently thanks to the use of information technology. The importance placed on programming and hardware contributes to an increase in the value of the economic and information technology analysis. Germany is the birthplace of the business intelligence (BI) field (in German: Wirtschaftsinformatik). It is a well-established academic field that offers bachelor's, master's, diploma, and doctoral degree programmes in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey. Additionally, it is becoming more prevalent in a growing number of other nations, including Finland, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, and India.

The field of information systems (IS), which has been around for quite some time and originated in North America, is somewhat comparable to business intelligence (BI). Nevertheless, there are a few key distinctions that set business informatics apart as its own distinct field of study:

  • To a greater degree than information systems do, business informatics encompasses information technology. This includes components of applied computer science that are pertinent to the field, as well.
  • The field of business informatics incorporates a sizeable number of construction- and implementation-focused aspects. That is to say, one of the primary focuses should be on the creation of solutions for business challenges rather than an ex post assessment of the effect those difficulties had.

The field of information systems (IS) is primarily concerned with providing an empirical interpretation of the events that occur in the actual world. In contrast to the "solution-oriented" mentality that permeates business intelligence (BI), information security (IS) is sometimes seen of as having a "focus on explanations." Researchers in information systems make an attempt, using an empirical methodology, to understand the phenomenon of adoption and effect of information technology in businesses and society. Typically, both qualitative and quantitative empirical research investigations are carried out and analysed in order to accomplish this goal. BI researchers, on the other hand, concentrate primarily on the development of IT solutions for problems that they have seen or imagined, and as a result, they concentrate more on the potential future applications of information technology.

Another one of the aims of business informatics is to achieve a close integration between research and education in accordance with the Humboldtian ideal. As a result of the fact that most researchers simultaneously have teaching positions, the insights that are obtained during real research projects are quickly incorporated into the curriculum. Since the rate of scientific and technical advancement in BI is extremely quick, the topics that are taught are constantly being rethought and revised. The business intelligence (BI) field is still in its formative stages of development. As a result, considerable obstacles need to be cleared away in order to make progress toward establishing its goal.