Stark Drones

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Stark Drones
Founded2018; 7 years ago (2018)
FounderAndrew Kamal

Stark Drones also known as the Stark Drones Corporation, is a company founded by Andrew Kamal in 2018.[1] It is known for building moonshot technologies and wanting to disrupt telecom and infrastructure as industries.[2] They work on sustainable communities, and are very mission-oriented and focused. Among the technologies that Stark Drones was known for, include a cost-efficient internet balloon, Underwater and Aquatic Wireless Networks, a Water Harvesting Device (water from air) and a Hoverboard. Stark Drones has also been doing some work on a compute module.[3]


2018 was the year that Stark Drones started, and they had very humble beginnings. Andrew was transitioning from trying to compete in the Water Abundance X-Prize[4] and the Internet of H20 Challenge.[5] 2017, the year prior, was a rough year given having to work out of an outside storage unit to build a stand, and the locks getting frozen in the winter.[6] Between a storage unit to a maker space to libraries, these were likely the early beginnings[7] of the technologies that lead to what started the founding of Stark Drones.

Operating System

Stark Drones have sponsored the development of Lonero and was its main collaborator. Among this, they also overseen the Lonero Operating System.[8] Lonero OS is a Linux distribution that was based off the Lubuntu Operating System. Lubuntu is a lightweight Ubuntu-based Linux distribution.[9] The Lonero OS had various settings and configurations. Its original distro included GitPrep, SMesh, Kademlia, Beaker Browser, and VPNBook as uncompiled binaries, as well as Telecom Desktop installed and DuckDuckGo as the default browser.

It was primarily hosted on Sourceforge and had various P2P modules installed and integrations.[10] ChainBoard which was a Kickstarter project for what was one of the world’s first decentralized dev boards, was originally supposed to have Lonero OS preinstalled on it. The Kickstarter for ChainBoard was cancelled.[11] The parts that ChainBoard included was: 32-bit MCUs, a 915MHZ Lora Transceiver, a 928MHZ Lora+Bluetooth Module, a Bluetooth 4.2 BLE Module, an IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Low Energy Bluetooth Module, and an USB to UART Bridge Controller. The Kickstarter was cancelled on November 7th, 2019.[12] A subsequent Kickstarter for a book on Quantum Computing had unsuccessfully met its goal on November 23rd.[13] Little marketing was done for that Kickstarter.

Some free courses were made off the Lonero OS,[14] and the Lonero OS powered projects such as hardware cryptography keys or PeerTop.[15] Other concepts, companies, or projects aimed to utilize Lonero OS such as LonScript, DecentBIT, BlockFilm, Funguana, LardonMail, QuantPortal, DecentTorch, HippaSafe 2.0, Cancer@Home, IntelliRadiology, and various others. Lonero OS was also going to be utilized for a scientific computing system to model Quantum Similarity and for Localhost ASIC Virtualization. The dev team behind Lonero OS also attempted to host some game jams on[16] The OS was a predecessor to the publishing of Andrew’s book, “Beyond Blockchain: The Futurist Guide to Innovative Technologies” which was self-published on Leanpub.[17] Those were some of the beginning phases of Stark Drones as a company entering and collaborating in the software space.


Stark Drones started its launch schedules in 2022. One of its launches was an Internet Balloon Telemetry Test which was approved by the Harbor Beach City Council.[18] That launch happened on June 18th, 2022 and was uploaded to the Stark Drones YouTube Channel which kickstarted lots of the initial popularity of Stark Drones.[19] Shortly afterwards, the Stark Drones YouTube channel reached 25k subscribers.[20] After that launch was the Aquatic Wireless Networks launch at Port Huron, Michigan on July 16th, 2022.[21] That launch was tested at the Lakeside Beach and Park.

Stark Drones on the side also started development of a Compute Module.[22] In a YouTube short, the founder taunted some current developments for Stark Drones which included a Space Plane and a Hoverboard.[23] The next launch after the aquatic wireless network test was the development of a Water Harvesting or “Water from Air” device.[24] It has undergone vigorous experimentation near the fall of 2022; however, weather conditions and other parameters weren’t optimal. Even before the video of the full Water Harvesting testing went out, Stark Drones hit 100k YouTube subscribers on October 14th, 2022, at 7:11AM EST.[25] On November 3rd of that year, Stark Drones touted a full modular build and video[26] of its first-generation Space Plane. Two days later, Stark Drones announced a merch store[27] and started releasing a small fashion line.

On December 2nd, 2022, Stark Drones launched a teaser picture[28] related to v1 of its Hoverboard prototype. At that time, that project was ongoing continuous development. Stark Drones also released a trailer for an equity crowdfunding campaign and updated their website.[29] That trailer went live on December 15th, 2022 and they stated a goal of wanting to power 6% of the internet by 2024, which is due in part to overseeing the development and distribution of a decentralized internet.[30] Those projects have concluded the launch schedule for 2022, which was the start of the launch schedule for Stark Drones.


LonSript is a lightweight programming language meant for scientific computing that also has Qubit interpretive qualities.[31] Stark Drones is contributing to the development of LonScript and was helping with other languages such as ScrubScript and the development of NaScript™. LonScript used octal escape sequences and very specific syntax charts.[32] They aimed to be the researcher’s programming language.


NaScript might stand for Not Average Script or (something else), and there was a trademark application for NaScript, whose serial number is 97319685.[33] NaScript is built for modern web development, micro services, and a wide variety of usecases.[34] Programming with NaScript is meant to be very robust. One can also utilize NaScript for setting up database macros and various forms of parsing.

IP Portfolio

Stark Drones is noted as having a large IP portfolio which includes US 16/059,633, which was a granted patent for a compression algorithm that has since been cited by RedHat a subsidiary of IBM, ZA 2019/01105, a communications protocol patent application pending in South Africa that was filed on Feb 21, 2019, which is for a "Low-Frequency Enabled Bluetooth GUI for P2P Device Identifier Communication", CN 201910729783X which is the Compression Patent Application pending in China which was on August 8th, 2019, US 17/882587 which is a Computing Method Patent filed on Aug 7th, 2022 that is pending, design patents for a Modular Space Plane, US 29/852,695 (Sep 8, 2022) and pending, and an Aeronautical Propulsion Board, US 29/861,864 (Dec 3, 2022) and pending, as well as the word mark application for NASCRIPT (NaScript) as of March 2022, whose serial number is 97319685.[35] Stark Drones have also been working on various research disclosures, licenses, and programming languages. The founder of Stark Drones has been noted as having a largely prolific research history.[36]

The OPNL License(s)

Stark Drones is behind a license known as the Open Innovation License.[37] They are also behind the Future Web Standards or The Futurist Web Covenant.[38] Stark Drones is known as a proponent of the concept of ethical source, and its founder also started the Non-Dubious Patent Movement in response to disagreements with the End Software Patents Movement.[39] There is also an OPNL license version #2 or OPNL-2 that aims to be a more open-source language friendly version of the first OPNL license.[40] The goal of the OPNL license is to promote the idea of technology being used in order to make the world a better place, rather then the use of open-source to restrict the freedom of what open-source was meant to provide.


Stark Drones have done a variety of different collaborations and side projects. Among these include work with or QuantPortal and the “Dream to Innovate” movement.[41] Stark Drones also collaborated with BitBadges, CloutContracts, done work on Compressed Air Energy Storage Batteries, SolarFuel Transportation, Humanity-S, Stark VTOLs, the Bible Project and its social enterprise, Water4ThePeople, ZeroQuantum Labs and various other projects or groups that are mostly in stealth mode.[42]

Stark Drones presented its underwater wireless networks and sensors in various places and worked on a CubeSat system. Stark Drones mentioned on its collaborations page as wanting to work on or design Underwater Telecom Towers. Their SPUAV concept[43] stands for Steam Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, and Stark Drones also done work on subterranean system concepts, a decentralized file transfer protocol, hydroelectric wireless energy transmission, and a Kinetic Energy Inspired Hash Validation Hyperloop. Collaborating on video game development and logic isn’t something that Stark Drones shied away from.[44]

In the media



  1. "Working at Stark Drones". Glassdoor. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  2. Daily, Silicon Valley (14 December 2022). "Stark Drones is Looking to Build Sustainable Communities and Various Moonshot Technologies". Daily Silicon Valley. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  3. "Stark Drones - Launches". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  4. "98 Teams Worldwide Enter $1.75 Million Water Abundance XPRIZ". XPRIZE. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  5. "Internet of H2O Challenge Stakeholder Meeting". Sustainable Cleveland. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  6. "Building a Solar Stand : Andrew Kamal". Instructables. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  7. "Introducing Stark Drones: Propelling into the Future | HackerNoon". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  8. "Stark Drones - OS". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  9. "Lubuntu". Wikipedia. 10 November 2022. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  10. "Lonero OS". SourceForge. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  11. "ChainBoard | The Next Gen Wireless Dev Board (Canceled)". Kickstarter. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  12. "ChainBoard | The Next Gen Wireless Dev Board". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  13. "Let's Encounter Quantum Computing". Kickstarter. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  14. "Free Linux Tutorial - An Introduction to the Lonero OS". Udemy. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  15. "PeerTop Lonero OS Laptops". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  16. "Decentralize Gaming". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  17. Kamal, Andrew Magdy (21 March 2020). "Beyond Blockchain: The Futurist Guide to Innovative Technologies". Leanpub. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  18. Creenan, Robert (17 June 2022). "Internet balloon to be tested in Harbor Beach". Huron Daily Tribune. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  19. "Stark Drones: Internet Balloon Telemetry Test (Don't Try This) ~ Highlights Real". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  20. "Andrew M. K. Nassief on Instagram: "Stark Drones hits 25k YouTube". Instagram. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  21. "Aquatic Wireless Networks: Telemetry Test ~ Port Huron, Michigan". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  22. "Stark Drones: Compute Module". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  23. "Subscribe for a Space Plane, Hoverboard and More! #news #shorts". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  24. "Stark Drones Founder Attempts Water from Air ~ Experiment 1". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  25. "Episode 58: Happy Thanksgiving, 100k YouTube Subs, and Boxing by Talking Random ~ Andrew Kamal". Anchor. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  26. "General Prototype Overview: Around ~ 14ft Space Plane (Modular Build)". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  27. "Andrew M. K. Nassief on Instagram: "Stark Drones now has a new merch our channel". Instagram. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  28. "Andrew M. K. Nassief on Instagram: "Is this something new?". Instagram. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  29. "Stark Drones - Water Harvesting Device". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  30. "Stark Drones Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Trailer". youtube. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  31. "Stark Drones - LonScript". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  32. "LonScript". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  33. "NASCRIPT Trademark Status Search". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  34. Kamal, Andrew (27 November 2022). "Mentors4EDU/NaScript". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  35. "Stark Drones AngelList". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  36. "Andrew M. K. Nassief". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  37. "Open Innovation License". Stark Drones Corporation. 2 November 2022. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  38. "Future Web Standards". github. Stark Drones Corporation. 30 December 2020. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  39. "The Non-Dubious Patent Movement". github. The Ethical Open Source Society. 13 March 2021. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  40. "OPNLv2". github. Stark Drones Corporation. 5 February 2021. Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  41. "DigitalCPR VC". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  42. "Stark Drones - Collaborations". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  43. "Stark Drones - SPUAV". Retrieved 9 January 2023.
  44. "Stark Drones - Project 1001". Retrieved 9 January 2023.

External links