Online game

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In computing, an online game is a video game that is played in part or entirely through the Internet or any other computer network that is accessible to the player. Internet-based games are prevalent on current gaming platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices, and include a wide range of genres, including first-person shooters, strategy games, and massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) (MMORPG). The online gaming market produced $16.9 billion in income in 2019, with $4.2 billion coming from China and $3.5 billion coming from the United States, according to the latest figures. The practise of offering online games as a service, rather than as free downloads, has been more popular during the 2010s, with monetization strategies like as loot boxes and battle passes being sold as add-ons to otherwise free games. Online games, in contrast to bought retail games, have the disadvantage of not being continually playable due to the fact that they need specific servers in order to work.

Online games may be designed in a variety of ways, ranging from basic text-based settings to the addition of sophisticated visuals and virtual worlds. It is possible for online components to be included in a game and to be minor features, such as a leaderboard, or to be integral to the main gameplay, such as actively competing against other players. Many online games foster the development of their own online communities, while others, particularly social games, combine the players' existing real-life networks. Some online games might see a significant increase in popularity as a result of the participation of several well-known Twitch broadcasters and YouTubers.

The breadth and magnitude of video game culture have both risen dramatically as a result of online gaming. Online games have drawn gamers of all ages, countries, and vocations, and they continue to do so. Gamers' interactions within virtual communities in connection to daily behaviour and social phenomena may be examined in the scientific area, as can the content of online games in general. In particular, the content of online games can be investigated in the scientific realm. A variety of slang terms and phrases, similar to those found in other cultures, have arisen in the community and may be used for communication both inside and outside of the gaming environment. Due to the fact that video games are being played online, current video game lingo has a high degree of overlap with internet slang as well as leetspeak, including several phrases such as "pwn" and "noob." AFK is another phrase that has gained popularity in the video gaming world, and it is used to refer to persons who are not at their computers or paying attention when playing games. Other typical acronyms include "GL HF," which stands for "good luck, have fun," and is commonly used at the start of a game to demonstrate good sportsmanship. Similarly, after the conclusion of a game, the words "GG" or "GG WP" may be used to congratulate the opponent, whether they win or lose, on a "excellent game, well played." Several online gaming have also served as an inspiration for internet memes, that have gained a significant following on the internet.

The culture of online gaming has been criticised for creating an atmosphere that may foster cyberbullying, aggression, and xenophobia, among other things. Some people are also worried about gaming addiction or social stigma as a result of their participation. It has been suggested, however, that since the participants in an online game are strangers to one another and have minimal communication, the individual player's experience in an online game is not inherently different from the experience of playing against artificial intelligence players.