Igor Igorevich Kireev

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Igor Igorevich Kireev
Born(1986-01-02)January 2, 1986
Alma materLomonosov Moscow State University
Scientific career

Igor Igorevich Kireev (born January 2 1964, Moscow) is a prominent Russian biologist. He made significant contributions to the many branches of biology, but mainly the structural organization of nuclear and cytoplasmic organelles of eukaryotic cells. A professor at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. He currently holds the position of the head of the electron microscopy department at the A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology.[1].



Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • Years of study: 1981—1986
  • Major: Biological Faculty


  • 2003 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
  • 2008 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)


  • Year of dissertation defense: 2012
  • Dissertation topic: "Higher levels of organization of the genetic apparatus of eukaryotes and regulation of genome functional activity"[2].


Wife - Natalya Nikolaevna Kireeva, works as a lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry of the Biological Faculty of MSU[3]. Children - Ellina, Roman, Alexander.

Results of Scientific Activity

Total number of scientific papers: 148 articles, 25 abstracts of reports, 3 books, 1 dissertation, 55 research projects, 5 supervision of dissertations, 38 diploma papers, 12 course papers, 31 study courses, 13 teaching courses, 73 conference presentations, 1 media appearance, 4 editorial board memberships, 7 program committee memberships, 3 dissertation council memberships, 10 dissertation evaluations, 2 internships. Number of citations of articles: Web of Science - 977, Scopus - 1077[4].

Academic Duties

Head of the electron microscopy department at the A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology. Teaching courses: "Electron Microscopy in Biology", "Karyology", "Immunoelectron Microscopy", and others[5]

Media Appearances

April 18, 2021. Life of Remarkable Ideas. Secrets of a Living Cell ("Kultura")[6]


  1. "Kireev Igor Igorevich". CoLab. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  2. "Higher levels of organization of the genetic apparatus of eukaryotes and regulation of genome functional activity".
  3. "Teachers - Biological Faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov". 2022-07-06. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  4. "Kireev Igor Igorevich - profile | ISTINA". istina.msu.ru. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  5. "Kireev Igor Igorevich | Chronicle of Moscow University". letopis.msu.ru. Retrieved 2023-12-28.
  6. "Life of Remarkable Ideas "Secrets of a Living Cell" - Film 1st @SMOTRIM_KULTURA". Retrieved 2023-12-28.

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