Artificial general intelligence
The term "artificial general intelligence" (AGI) refers to the capacity of an intelligent agent to comprehend or learn any intellectual endeavour that can be accomplished by a human person. It is a key focus of certain artificial intelligence research, in addition to being a popular theme in science fiction and studies of the future. AGI is sometimes referred to as strong AI, complete AI, or general intelligent action; however, some academic sources reserve the term "strong AI" for computer programmes that experience awareness or consciousness. AGI is also referred to as "general intelligent action."
Strong artificial intelligence is in contrast to weak artificial intelligence, also known as narrow artificial intelligence, which is not supposed to have wide cognitive skills; rather, weak AI refers to any programme that is built to tackle just one issue. (According to academic sources, the term "weak AI" refers to computer programmes that do not go through the experience of awareness or do not have a mind in the same way that humans do.) A study conducted by 2020 revealed 72 current AGI R&D projects located in 37 different countries.