YouTube Play Buttons
The YouTube Creator Awards, also known as YouTube Play Buttons or YouTube Plaques, are a series of awards that were created by YouTube with the intention of recognising the platform's most popular channels. They are determined by the number of people who have subscribed to a channel, but YouTube decides whether or not to provide them. Before an award is given out, every channel is analysed to see that it complies with the standards set out by the YouTube community. YouTube has the ability to decline to bestow its Creator Award onto a channel for any reason, as it has done in the past when the channel in question included gory or politically extreme material.
When a YouTube channel hits a certain benchmark and is qualified to get a YouTube Creator Reward, the channel owner is presented with a trophy that is relatively flat and encased in a metal shell. On the trophy is a symbol that looks like a YouTube play button. There is a range of sizes available for the trophies; the size of each button and plaque corresponds directly to the number of subscribers that a channel has. The Gold Creator Award was presented for the first time at VidCon in 2012, and it was followed by the Silver Creator Award in 2013, followed by the Diamond Creator Award in 2015. The New York City company Society Awards is the one responsible for producing the Creator Awards.
Before March 2021, YouTube had three more benefit tiers available to its users. These are not qualified for Creator Rewards, but they do give a few preliminary advantages, such as the following:
- Graphite was for channels with one to nine hundred and ninety-nine subscribers.
- The Opal platform was intended for channels with 1,000 to 9,999 members.
- This is the minimum number of subscribers that are required to join the YouTube Partner Program. In addition to this, the programme requires a minimum of 4,000 total viewer watch hours in the preceding 12 months, as well as a manual review of the channel's content to determine whether or not it complies with the programme guidelines.
Channels that have between 10,000 and 99,999 subscribers were eligible for the bronze award. The YouTube NextUp programme is only open to channels who reach this level in addition to the other programme requirements. This is also the minimum number of subscribers necessary to qualify for a product shelf on Spreadshop or Teespring.