Yakiv Shternberg

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Yakiv Shternberg
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Born (1924-01-10) January 10, 1924 (age 101)
Oradea, Romania
DiedFebruary 13, 1992(1992-02-13) (aged 68)

Yakiv Shternberg (January 10, 1924 Oradea, Romania — February 13, 1992, Budapest) — Ukrainian historian, a specialist in the area of Hungarian history and history of Transcarpathian Ukraine. Lecturer. Doctor of Sciences, Professor.


Jacob Shternberg was born in 1924 in the city of Nagyvarad (now — Oradea) in a Jewish family.

After elementary school he entered a Gymnasium. At the beginning of World War I, he fled Nazi Germany-allied Romania and graduated from secondary school in 1940 in the city of Bender in then-Moldavian SSR.

As the war unfolded, he evacuated to Krasnodar region and later, to Kyrgyz SSR. He stayed there until 1944.

In 1944, he entered Bohuslav Pedagogical Institute, and for his third year he transferred to Leningrad State University.

In 1949, after graduation, he was sent to work at Uzhgorod National University. He worked their as a lab assistant, then, starting in 1957, as a research assistant, and since 1960, he worked as a senior lecturer. Since 1963, he worked as a professor in the History department.

Starting from 1991, he worked as senior scientific fellow at Hungarology Center of the Uzhgorod University.

Professor Shternberg died in 1992 and was buried in Uzhgorod.

Scientific Work

In 1954, he defended a PhD thesis on the topic "War of liberation in Hungary and Russo-Hungarian relationship in the beginning of XVIII century".

In 1970, he defended a Doctoral thesis on the topic "Societal and cultural connections between Russia and Hungary".

He gave lectures on the modern history and on special history topics at Uzhgorod National University.

He is an author of more than 300 scientific works.

He participated in the following works:

  • Очерки новой и новейшей истории Венгрии (М., 1963) ["Essays on the modern and contemporary history of Hungary" - Moscow, 1963]
  • History of Cities and Villages of the Ukrainian SSR: Transcarpathian region (Kyiv, 1969,1982)
  • История Венгрии: в 3-х томах (М., 1971—1972) ["History of Hungary" in 3 volumes - Moscow, 1971-1972]

He authored articles in Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Soviet Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History.

He was published in periodical editions of Ukraine, Russia, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

He took part in many Republican and international congresses, conferences and symposia, including those on Hungarology.

Most important works:

  • Відгуки на Закарпатті про селянську війну 1784 р. в Трансільванії [Transcarpathian echoes of the Transylvanian peasants' war] // Наук. зап. УжДУ. — Ужгород, 1957. — Т.ЗО;
  • Неопубликованное письмо Петра І к Ференцу Ракоци [Unpublished letter from Peter I to Ferencz Racozi] // Ист. архив. — 1958. — № 2;
  • З історії спільної боротьби угорських і українських селян під час визвольної війни 1703—1711 pp. [From the history of common struggle of Hungarian and Ukrainian villagers in the War of Liberation in 1703-1711] //Наук. зап. УжДУ. — 1959. — Т.38;
  • Голод на Закарпатті в 80-х роках XVIII ст. [Hunger in Transcarpathia in 1780s] // Наук. зап. УжДУ. — 1960. — Т.43;
  • Изучение русско-венгерских связей в Народной Венгрии [Studies on Russo-Hungarian connections in the Soviet Hungary] // История СССР. −1965. — № 6;
  • Utak es talalkozasok [ Roads and meetings: Studies from the history of Russo-Hungarian and Ukrainian-Hungarian cultural connections]. — Ужгород, 1971;
  • Мир поззии и дружбы (Поиски и находки) [World of Poetry and Friendship (Searches and Findings)]. — Ужгород, 1979;
  • Szazadok oroksege [A legacy of centuries: Articles from the history of Russo-Hungarian and Ukrainian-Hungarian connections]. — Будапешт; Ужгород, 1981;
  • Стежками старшої дочки Ярослава [Мудрого] [Following the eldest daughter of Yaroslav the Wise] //Київ. −1988. -№ 7. -С.145-151;
  • Венгерськая Венелиана // Ю.І. Венелін і розвиток міжслов’янських взаємозв’язків: Тези доп. і повідомл. наук, конф., присвяч. 150-р. від дня смерті Ю.І.Венеліна. — Ужгород, 1989. — С.21-22.


  • Order of the Red Star of the Hungarian Peoples' Republic (1989)


  • Галина Герасимова. Штернберг Яков Ісакович // Українські історики ХХ століття: Біобібліогр. довідник. Серія «Українські історики». — Вип. 2, ч. 2. — К., 2004. — С. 363;


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