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The broadest interpretation of the phrase "world" encompasses everything that exists, from the smallest atom to the vastest galaxies. According to various areas, the world's nature has been conceived in diverse ways. The notion of "plurality of worlds" is used by some to describe the idea that there are many different universes. Some see the world as a single entity, while others see it as a collection of interconnected elements. According to scientific cosmology, "[t]he entirety of all space and time; all that is, has been, and will be" is frequently referred to as "the world." In contrast, theories of modality speak about potential worlds as full and consistent ways in which things may have been. Phenomenology describes the world as the "horizon of all horizons," beginning with the horizon of co-given objects, which are always present at the margins of every experience. The world is often compared to the mind in the philosophy of mind as that which the mind represents. It is theologically possible to think of the universe as God's creation, as God's equal or as interdependent with God. Many faiths place a higher value on a spiritual realm that can only be attained via a life of prayer and devotion. In religion, a concept known as "worldview" refers to a complete view of the universe and our role in it. Eschatology is the study of the last things, or the end of the world, whereas cosmogony is the study of the origins or creation of the universe.

While "world" may signify many things, it can also be used in a more narrow sense that focuses more specifically on a certain location on the planet and its inhabitants. Global history is the history of mankind as a whole, or world politics is political science that studies topics that go beyond the boundaries of countries and continents. 'World history' "world religion," "world language," "world government," "world war," "world population," "world economy," and "world championship" are only a few instances of other phrases.