Sonassa Kaba Thomas

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Sonassa Kaba Thomas
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Born (1984-01-30) January 30, 1984 (age 41)
  • Fashion Designer
  • Multi-media channel producer

Sonassa Kaba Thomas (born January 30, 1984) is an American Fashion Designer and multi-media channel producer of Sonassa TV on Roku. She is the founder of Sonassa Thomas fashion design house, notably for the iconic Thomas crossbody handbag. The fashion design house has prominence worldwide and continues to expand.

Sonassa Kaba Thomas fosters philanthropy by offering free handbag training programs to women and the youth who fall below the poverty line in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria. These training programs are implemented through her initiative; Sonassa Youth Skill Development Leadership Program Funds (SYSKDL Program Funds). The program also campaigns against dangerous migration, highlighting the African migrant crisis. SYSKDL Program Funds encourages Africans to develop entrepreneurial activities in Africa, while exporting through advanced logistics fashion design products internationally without leaving the continent.


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