Samuel Hevenly

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Samuel Hevenly
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Born2014 (age 10–11)
  • Composer
  • Poet
  • Writer
  • YouTuber

Samuel Hevenly is a composer,poet,writer, and also a YouTuber. He composed a complete sonata for the piano, and also composed a song out of a Chinese text.


Samuel Lee Hevenly Leumas was born in 2014. He showed great genius already in the age of 1. He started learning music in the age of 3. He started composing short pieces in 2019 but the pieces were vandalised by him in 2022 because it is too dumb. Starting in July 2023, by the motivation of Mozart, he composed various sonatas.

Music B

Music B is a folk song that probably originated in China. Its lyrics are still unknown. In a music exam, he encountered the song. It is very loud (122 dB) and fast( 200 bpm). It almost made Hevenly deaf! He is also composing a sonata out of this song.

Divhies and poetry

Hevenly hates divhies. Divhies are people (like firefighters or FEHD people or some pesticides farmers) wearing NBC suits. They are bad. Hevenly wrote a poem about them and other bads.

Divhies, Divhies, dumb Divhies! You are the worst in world! Spraying arsenic and chlorine, You even, kill people! I don’t think you are good! Divhies, Divhies, dumb Divhies! You are the worst in world!

Scammers,Scammers, dumb Scammers! You are the worst in world! Hacking, Scamming, getting money, You even, kill people! I don’t think you are good! Scammers,Scammers, dumb Scammers! You are the worst in world!

Accidents, Accidents, dumb Accidents, You are the worst in world! 沼氣,Fall crane, M+ tree, You even kill people! I don’t think you are good! Accidents, Accidents, dumb Accidents! You are the worst in world !


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