Kye Carrington

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Kye Carrington
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Born (2006-07-07) July 7, 2006 (age 18)

Kye Carrington ,previously known as kyle carrington, more commonly refered to as "Haribosis" was born July 7th 2006 in Luton.

Early years

He spent his early youth in luton before moving to Hertfordshire.

Music carer

He began his journey into the world of music in late 2022 starting off as a producer before moving into rapping.

He created the Haribosis youtube channel on Decemeber 16th 2022.[1] later releaseing his first song onto youtube on December 23rd 2022 later deleting it as it did not fit his artistic vision. Later in 2023 he released the song "DnD feat ryan"[2] this quickly amassed over 2.4 thousand views. His latest song "Celine" was released to the Haribosis youtube channel on September 25th 2023[3]


Kyle is a catholic.


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