Government of India
Indian government (ISO: Bharat Sarkr), also known as the Central or Union Government or simply the Centre, is the federal government established by the Constitution of India to govern a union of twenty-eight states and eight union territories. The government is composed of three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. New Delhi, the capital of India, serves as the government's headquarters.
The government of India (GOI), also known as the Union of India (according to Article 300 of the Indian Constitution), is modelled after the Westminster system for governing the state. The Union government is primarily composed of the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary, with all powers vested in the prime minister, parliament, and the supreme court by the constitution. The president of India is the head of state and commander-in-chief of the Indian Armed Forces, while the elected prime minister is the head of the executive and is responsible for the administration of the Union government. There are two houses of parliament in India, with the Lok Sabha serving as the lower house and the Rajya Sabha serving as the upper house. Historically, the judiciary has included an apex supreme court, 25 intermediate high courts, and various district courts, all of which are subordinate to the supreme court.
In important legislative legislation such as the civil process code, the penal code, and the criminal procedure code, fundamental civil and criminal rules affecting Indian residents are enshrined in detail. Individual state governments are structured in a similar way to the federal government, with an executive, legislative, and judicial branch of government. It is the English Common and Statutory Law that forms the basis of the legal system that applies to the Union and individual state governments.. formally, the Republic of India, although it is often referred to as such. According to the Indian Constitution, the short names India and Bharat are both equally official short names for the Republic of India, and both names appear on legal currency, treaties, and court decisions. To refer to the Government of India, the words "Union government," "Central government," and "Bhrat Sarkr" are often used, both officially and informally. Because the Union government's headquarters are located in New Delhi, the phrase "New Delhi" is widely used to refer to the whole country.