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The study of the skin is the domain of the medical specialty known as dermatology. It is a field of expertise that encompasses both medical and surgical practises. A dermatologist is a kind of medical professional that treats conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails, in addition to managing some aesthetic issues.

The term "dermatology" was first used in the English language in 1819 and originates from the Greek words (dermatos), the genitive of (derma), which means "skin" (itself derived from dero, which means "to flay"), and - -logia. In the year 1630, the Neo-Latin word dermatologia was first created. This term is an anatomical one, and there is evidence of its usage in different French and German contexts beginning in the 1730s.

In the realm of cosmetic surgery, dermatologists have always held leadership positions. Some dermatologists complete fellowships in surgical dermatology. During their residency, many get training in the administration of botulinum toxin, as well as fillers and laser surgery. Liposuction, blepharoplasty, and face lifts are just a few of the cosmetic operations that are performed by certain physicians. The majority of dermatologists restrict their cosmetic work to treatments that are just somewhat invasive. Despite the fact that the American Board of Dermatology does not provide official standards, a large number of cosmetic fellowships are available in the fields of both laser medicine and surgery.