Computer security software

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Any computer application that is intended to impact information security is considered computer security software, often known as cybersecurity software. This is often understood in the sense of protecting computer systems or data, but it may also include programmes intended particularly for subverting computer systems because to the extensive overlap between the two, as well as the adage that states that the greatest attack is a strong defence.

Computer security refers to the protection of computer systems against illegal access and the exploitation of their resources by other parties. In a similar vein, the protection provided to computer networks is referred to as network security.

Due to issues with hackers, hacker culture, and differences in white, grey, and black 'hat' colour identification, the subversion of computers or their unauthorised use is referred to using the terms cyberwarfare, cybercrime, or security hacking. These terms were later shortened to hacking for further references in this article due to the fact that hacking was used in further references.

There are many different software implementations of cybersecurity patterns and groups, which outline the manner in which a host system seeks to defend itself and its assets against hostile interactions. This includes methods to repel both passive and active security attacks. Even though both security and usability are desirable, it is generally accepted in the field of computer security software that increasing the level of security will result in a drop in usability, and increasing the level of usability will result in an increase in security.