The AMUAF Asociación Mexicana de Usuarios de Armas de Fuego, Mexican Association of Firearms Users) is an Association that promotes the right to own and bear arms in the United Mexican States based on Article 10 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
AMUAF proposals
The AMUAF has focused on the carrying of firearms in Mexico, this because the current law establishes that applicants for the license to carry weapons must prove the need to carry weapons before the Secretary of National Defense (Mexico) that can deny permission arbitrarily. Therefore, their main proposal is to repeal the section of said law where it is necessary to prove the need to carry arms, since they affirm that the subsequent procedures are sufficient, and that with the current legislation no particular licenses are issued.
External links
This article "AMUAF" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical. Articles taken from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be accessed on Wikipedia's Draft Namespace.